The new Hollow Earth Radio space is looking soooo good!
The new vegan bar on Capitol Hill, Highline, is really rad. In the first three days, I went there five times. Whoops!
I'm sell about half of all my records. It's somewhat sad, but mostly I'm just happy to be downsizing.
At the Finches/Dear Nora/Lake/Iji show at my place the other day, I made a huge coconut curry - perhaps the best and most delicious I've yet to make. I made enough for 40-50 people, and it was all quickly consumed within the first hour or so of the show.
Brita and Kirsten hid in a box to surprise Tasha.
Rad shows have been happening once/month at The Bread Factory. I'm always thrilled to have another space to see DIY events.
I made a couple batches of kombucha yesterday. The process took about an hour, and I spent about $20 altogether (two glass bottles, two bottles of the good brand of store-bought kombucha, free tea from a dumpster!).
First, brew a shit-ton of black tea. I did a blend of plain black tea and oolong. It's what I had available for free. It was dumpstered. No big deal.
For about 2.5 gallons of water, I used 10 bags of tea.
Add that tea to your pipping hot water. Brew it for a while. You know, till whenever. Just don't brew it too long. Make it yummy.
Once your tea is brewed, add a bunch of sugar to it. I put in a cup of sugar per batch. That's some sweet fucking tea.
Chill the tea to room temperature. It's best to chill it fast. Do it like you learned in your Food Handler's Permit classes. Do an ice-bath. I put cold water in these water dispensers, then added a bunch of ice. It took about 20 minutes.
Once it's at room temperature, add the bottle of store-bought kombucha to your tea. One bottle per batch.
Cover that shit. I use clean paper towels, rubber-banded over the lid. The important part is to keep the fucking germs out to prevent your growing mother from getting infected. Dirty kombucha is gross. Keep it clean, and you'll end up with way better kombucha.
Store it in a mid-temp, dry place. It's gotta be an ideal temperature for bacteria to grow and for the fermentation process to go smoothly, but not exposed to conditions that could stunt that growth. Not too cold, not too hot, no direct light.
Cover that shit. Keep the light out.
I used a scarf.
These are good instructions. My kombucha is delicious.
(ps, I was slightly tipsy when I made this blog post.)
Early spring was quite a doozy. It started off with my band (My Parade) going on a brief tour down the west coast with our friends Agatha, which for me was cut short by having to fly back to Seattle from Reno to make it to class on time. It's my final quarter of school at Seattle University, and soon I'll have an oh-so coveted bachelors in sociology. There was a bit of activism-related drama that I'm hoping is all done with. Lost my job, due to it being outsourced to Taiwan.
Now it's the final stretch of springtime. Lots of fun stuff is in the works. I'll be graduated soon, and immediately after I'll be going east to the US Social Forum in Detroit, and maybe mill about in the area for a wee bit. Shortly after I get back I'll be leaving for another tour with My Parade, this one being for two weeks, going to southern California, over through Arizona, then back home. Right after that, there'll be all sorts of changes at the warehouse/venue space where I live, as I gotta get 5 people squarely lined up to move in, as all of my current roommates will be leaving (all on good terms! folks are moving to other cities, or to places with sunlight). And finally, I'm making good plans to go on some bike trips in late summer.
Good things are afoot. Life is filled with smaller rewarding things right now, too. I've started brewing Kombucha, writing zines again, about to start practicing drums again (after a 1-year hiatus, save for playing during brief quiet band practices + playing shows), been going to a lot of excellent shows, going on woodland excursions, started volunteering a little with Alleycat Acres, helping out with construction for Hollow Earth Radio's new public space, and I've been working on lots of little projects around the home, like temporarily putting up a makeshift trapeze swing in our living room.
I also just got a phone with a camera. So I'll be posting silly photos from my days on this blog, possibly. You know, given free time (because it's always so abundant).
<- Erin made a cool calendar out of an old window, at Pet Seminary!
at the new Hollow Earth Radio space. It's the DJ booth, guarded by Christian's dog.
Jordan's cardigan has three cardigans on it.
a bunch of crusties moved in next door to New Crompton and built a walled garden. cooool.
and finally, check out this cool video about Hollow Earth Radio!