This was probably the silliest band I've ever been in, even sillier than my high school pop-punk band that had a song about pepperoni pizza. We played synthy no-wave dance punk that would go quickly from dance beats to metal breakdowns, with singer Naomi singing/rapping/screaching about everything from slutty vampires to not wanting "that baguette going near [her] derriere', to a story about us being futuristic robots who committed the mortal sin of freak-dancing, and thus forever condemned to repeat that sin:
I am a disco robot! I dance and I can't stop!
You are a disco robot! You dance and you can't stop!
We are disco robots! We dance and we can't stop!
Recommended tunes: "I Got A Peg Leg And All That Shit," "Barry White Sings The Brown Note," and the last 7 minutes (!) of "Naomi, Origin."
Or maybe I shouldn't recommend it at all. Oh boy.
Our last show was the Capitol Hill Block Party 2006. Funny enough, my band Bow + Arrow's last show was the Capitol Hill Block Party 2009. Hmm.
Der Trasch, R.I.P. 2005-2006.
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